Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baptized for the Faith

After a few months of seeing the light and walking in it we decided to get baptized. My boyfriend had been baptized when he was 7 by the church secretary in the Baptist church. He was the “classic case” so to speak. He didn’t think that he was ready to be” saved” since he really had no idea what that meant. All he knew was that he didn’t want to go to Hell. So he said the “sinner’s prayer” and was added to the weekly “New member’s” quota. When we started reading the bible, we both saw that a child cannot decide to be a Christian until they are accountable for their own sins and can choose to follow Christ in everyday life. For example, Jesus says in Matt 5 “to look at a women and lust after her is adultery”. Can a child do that? Most definitely not. So they can not repent of such things. Also we saw that the bible teaches that baptism is like the death of the old self, and dying to sin and the world. When we saw the verses that teach what baptism is and who it is for, my boyfriend knew that at the age of 7, he was qualified to have been baptized. He was rebaptized, or baptized in the true sense, and I was baptized with him. A month after our baptism, we decided to get married.

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